At last Ayin 's big day finally arrived.!The date was 4th May 2009.Ayin has given me the task to create her hantaran.She insisted her colour theme was aquamarine and pink.,and of cos with fresh flowers, which I simply love to do.She suggested flower balls and candles(which by the way was already bought by her) and took the suggestion to task.Am glad they turned out very nicely.Thank you to my sisters,Ame and Sofi and mom and niece,Iman who came by to help me with the finishing touches.Somehow the hantarans blend very well with Ayin's wedding concept at the house.There were lots and lots of flower balls hanging from the ceiling of the tents.Liked what Poetry of Flowers did with the pelamin.Simple yet very tastefully done. Bride looked very demure and berseri2.Just let you all take a peek at the hantarans .Pictures by courtesy of bride and groom.Thank you Ayin and Iskandar for your trust and congratulations again!