Sunday, June 17, 2012

One Special Day....Isra' Mikraj

We had a special function at our surau in Cahaya SPK.....I was delighted to be able to contribute something for our Forum Perdana....flower arrangements....what else .Syukur Alhamdulillah...the event was a success....Tahniah to the Surau s Ahli2 Jawatan Kuasa for organising it and to the Speakers invited.....Isra' Mikraj  is one very special day for all Muslims.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Red is the colour of my heart - Engagement

The first time I met Siti , her sister and mom (oh yes the whole family too) was at Subang Parade.They all had come from Penang to plan for their younger brother's engagement here in KL.The 2 sisters already knew what they wanted.....and so it was, yellow and white were the colours they chose.Lucky guy to have sisters like them....2 June was that special date......I had prepared a simple set....the items for the hantarans were beautiful enough.Hope the family liked them.Congrats to the newly engaged couple....hope to do your wedding hantarans again too.Thanking my sis Ame,Ani and of cos mom for assisting.Will be posting pictures soon.